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RAGG76AJ9WDWA now imports contacts from outlook and other clients
VSEN8F9LLDDirectory and Site field in Find Room (s) dialog are not sticky across sessions
TTAN8BHSKBFixes a problem where the wrong conflict dates are shown for a new meeting created with repeating weekly by day.
MVEO8JXQLNResolved HTTP crashes in a situation involving clustered Domino servers caused by iNotes Client.
MJON8MRQGXFix resolves an issue where Vertical Scroll Bar does not work when using IE8 in Compatibility Mode.
CTSI8MLMDRFixed an issue where the notes.ini setting, iNotes_WA_DefaultUI, was causing redirect requests to be issued repeatedly. This is a regression in...
DOLA8HGP82Fixed a Domino Server crash in iNotes where GetFormsTemplateExtensionFilePath is referenced
VSEN8K4TBWFixed issue where the NOTES.INI setting to use protfolio UI was also incorrectly impacting some other features
CTSI8J9JU7 Fixes an issue where embedded images would show a broken link in mime/HTML mail messages if the mail file is located under a directory with a single...
CJMS8NALV2Fixes issue where the "iNotes_WA_SametimeNameFormat=" notes.ini variable is not being honored.
MJON8MSK2VFix resolves an issue in 8.5.3 iNotes where logout button does not work in Full Mode when Sametime is enabled in the preferences. This is a...
TKAA8P4B6FFixes an issue where insert image is broken when a new mail is created with Copy Into New or Forward.
TKAA8PP9B3Fixes issue where if Japanese charecters are include in the file name of an attached file and an iNotes user sends it to other users, the Japanese...
FYOU7ABEYU Fixed issue where setting MAILTO protocol to Domino Web Access was not being honored. This would cause mail to links on Vista and above to not...
HYAI8KT68UFixed an iNotes mail issue that could cause text to be lost. The scenario is forwarding an email with attachments and then entering extra text. The...
RAGG8943EJFixes crash that occurred when forwarding email that contains broken images.
ESPR8LJLVB Fixes issue where user is re-prompted for Sametime ID and password if iNotes page is refreshed or if user edits Preferences and then saves. This was...
KWAE8GY29RFixed Domino HTTP server crash caused by iNotes memory exhaustion.
PLOS8HLLMUFixes iNotes issue in Chrome browser on Windows 7 when Archive is chosen, user is repeatedly prompted to install DOLS.
MOSI8MLJG8Fixes issue where the iNotes server config doc sametime setting: "Use login dialog for authentication instead of SSO" is being...
JBEN8N6UDEAddressed a Cross site scripting vulnerability in iNotes Ultralite.
PTHN8QUSVPAddressed security issue CVE ID: CVE-2012-2175. Prior to the fix, it is possible for an attacker to compromise the DWA85W ActiveX control used within...
RJAS8TTU6EFixed an issue where words with accented characters were getting added to a personal dictionary with the wrong character set.
BRIS8SKM8TFix an issue where links are not active in iNotes
DGUY8R8S3DNotes web: Fixes an issue where a group was expanding to the wrong list on the schedule tab if a group shared the same initial...
PTHN87DRAAFixed an issue surrounding an expired token that would lead to hundreds of duplicate requests...
MMII8KC9MM Fixed an issue where Calendar autoprocessing was failing when using iNotes Lite mode.
STAA8EA5EUFixes a problem where the name of an attachment with a very long file name was being changed.
GTON8SZCRHFixes intermittent Domino server crash processing a MIME message, when using iNotes mail.


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